Friday, November 12, 2004

Ron Artest is a Super Badass.

Ron Artest was recently suspended from the Indiana Pacers for 2 games for reasons that were originally undisclosed by the team. Incidentally, I'm paraphrasing a lot of Artest's quotes.

When Artest was asked why he was suspended however, he was very straightforward. He was suspended because he asked the coach for a month off from the team because he was stressed out about an album he has coming out. He's not on the album, it's an R&B album by some group he's producing.

The coach of the Pacers again originally did not admit why he was suspending Artest, only that he "compromised the integrity of the team." When asked about compromising the team's integrity, Artest responded, "Man, I don't even know what that means. I been meaning to ask my dad about that or look it up or something. Anyone got a dictionary?"

In another interview Artest said, "Man, I'm from Queensbridge, I'm gonna do what I want to do. I'm tired now, but I want to win the championship. If I take this time off, I can come back and help this team win the championship." I'm glad that he's representing my adopted borough so well.

He would have been perfect on the Knicks. Except that they drafted fucking Frederic Weis instead of Artest. Can you believe that shit?

What if Weis turned out to be as good as Zydrunas Ilgauskas? We wouldn't be second guessing it as much as we are.

Then again, I'd rather have Artest than Ilgauskas. Yeah, it was stupid!

Additionally, Artest is a NYC guy as you mentioned (which is why it's extra dope that Marbury is a Knick.)
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