Wednesday, November 03, 2004

At least Bush actually won this time.

Well, I'm not particularly happy with Dubya winning a second term, but at least he actually did win this time. I was kindof embarrassed at all the bitching the Democrats did last time even though it was clear that Gore didn't have a shot given the circumstances. Kerry was gracious in defeat and at the very least it will be fun to keep getting to refer to "Dubya" and "Big Time" Cheney.

I think in 2000 if every single vote were counted the way it was intended to be cast, then Gore should have won. So it's kindof lame that he didn't.

This year it's pretty obvious that Bush is the winner. What's weird to me is that more people voted for him this time than did last time. I would have thought that Democrats would be all upset about Gore not winning especially after winning the popular vote and would come out in spades this time. Also Bush isn't doing a very good job, in my opinion, so he would have turned off some of his voters from last time. I guess I was wrong on both fronts.

I can see it now. Giuliani v. Rodham-Clinton in 2008. If that were to take place, I would actually consider voting for Giuliani, though I don't have anything against Clinton, per se.

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