Friday, September 02, 2005

An Annoying Mental Block

For some reason I am simply incapable of recognizing the difference between the words "affect" and "effect" by rote. I have to stop and think about it literally every time I want to use one of these words in writing. Other forms with different meanings and spellings come to me right away.

For example, I don't consciously think about using the different forms of "there, their, they're", yet I use them properly probably 98% of the time. Similarly, I don't struggle with "to, too, two", or any other relevant example that I can think of.

The only way I can figure out which is the proper usage is to stop in the middle of the sentence or after I've finished writing it and think about whether I have a noun or a verb. If it's a verb, I can remember to use "affect" since the A means action. If it's a noun, then I remember to use "effect". I have to go through this process every time (it's in the gies).

I don't know why I'm incapable of doing this automatically.

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!
Dell 8250 cpu fans
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