Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Little Late On The Foley Thing

This is so last week, I know, but I just have one comment about Mark Foley. His "admitting" that he was molested by a priest is, in my opinion, a huge smokescreen to hide the fact that he's a gay dude. This admission is a calculated move so that the religious right can still say that being gay is caused by something in life rather than just a genetic coincidence and that this is what did it for Mark Foley. This is all just (extremely wild and baseless) speculation, but what seems a far more likely scenario is that given he was gay, and given priests proclivity to be gay, he engaged in a cosensual affair with a priest in his teenage years and, while certainly still inappropriate from the priests standpoint, was molested only in a statutory sense.

While I'm confident in the first part of my statement, as I say the second part is only (wild and baseless) speculation, but if I were a betting man I would put my money on the truth being closer to my statement than whatever Foley is going to claim actually happened.

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