Thursday, July 08, 2004

Tossing the baby with the bath water.

Since I've had this computer the amount of junk that has been inadvertently downloaded onto it and impeded on its performance has twice gotten me to the point of frustration. After trying to delete any programs and files I wasn't using and condensing the hard drive and so forth with less than desired results, I have twice decided to simply reformat the hard drive.

It has worked out pretty well with Windows XP, because you can restore the programs to their original settings without destroying any of the data files. I can therefore keep all my Word and Excel documents and simply reinstall Office once the reformat is done.

This is a rash step, but it does the trick and returns the computer to essentially peak performance as best I can tell. I have to make sure to never lose my Office CD-Rom or the product key, but other than that, I can download anything else I need.

Where did you find it? Interesting read » »
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » »
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