Saturday, September 04, 2004

Undecided: Are we that stupid?

It boggles my mind that there are any voters out there who are undecided about who to vote for in the upcoming presidential election. What is wrong with people from Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and so forth? What is it that you can't decide. The two sides are very clear, the policies aren't changing, the only thing that might be different is the undecided voter's faith in his or her beliefs.

I hate watching debates and then viewing the polls of undecideds right afterwards because they sound like retards saying that so and so 'looks presidential' or 'seems more electable'. Anyone who's got their party's nomination is electable and is presidential and is capable of running the country.

I don't understand Republicans, but if you've decided that you are a Republican and you're going to vote for Bush, then at least that makes sense and I can respect your decision. If you're undecided today, then you shouldn't be allowed to vote. In fact, you should be deported.

Larry David, of Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm fame, and also a fairly active political figure, says that undecided voters aren't really undecided, they just like being pandered to. I can see that, but why then is there a huge bounce for Bush coming out of the convention, and a smaller, but significant bounce for Kerry coming out of his convention?

Maybe Americans are just that stupid. At least people from Ohio.

Ann Coulter? Hardly.

It's October. The guy has an excellent point. These two candidates are different as night and day. It's time to put up or shut up - MAKE A DECISION!

Every "undecided voter" I see interviewed is simply a wishy-washy person with a poor excuse for not yet making a choice. They all look like attention whores, somehow high on the power granted to them by not being capable of making an adult decision.

It's not like these are small, "take 'em or leave 'em" issues we're dealing with here. War. Recession. Terrorism. Skyrocketing healthcare costs. Potentially revolutionary life-saving cures though stem cell research. Abortion. Religion.

What more motivation do these jackasses need? If one of the candidates went out on a drug-crazed meth rage and killed a hobo, would these guys say "Well, murder is bad, but he is doing something to address the blight of homeless people in our cities.." ??

They sound like a bunch of sniveling, spoiled five year olds who have never had to make an adult decision in their lives. Grow up.
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