Sunday, November 14, 2004

New bloggers entering the fray.

A couple of my friends have brand new blogs. I don't suppose I need to actually promote them, since I think the only people who read my blog are the three people whose blogs I'm going to link to, but it's all good, I guess.

The originator of the blog amongst my friends was Joe, who always seems to start new trends, beavis. Anyhow, after his blog went up I decided that keeping a blog was much easier than keeping up the whole website that I have, so I started one too. Also I just wanted to be like Joe.

Anyhow, within the last week, two of my other friends have started blogs, and that's fun too. Matt Dabney aka Matt Daffy aka Daffy aka "They call that nigga Matt Daffy 'cause he crazy" started a blog that's mainly about his new baby at the moment, but will probably branch out into new topics. Though the baby posts are cool.

Max Steel, who doesn't have a nickname that I can think of, but who does have the name of a cartoon superhero, also recently started a blog that has the potential to be particularly interesting and life-altering for any regular readers. Max is a deep thinker and a record of his thoughts are bound to be useful in some capacity or another.

This post will eventually fade away, so you can click the permanent links on the right side there to get to those interesting blogs at any time.

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Very nice site! » »
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