Sunday, January 23, 2005

2008 Presidential Hopefuls?

In response to a question by Max in the comments somewhere, I'm trying to think of some presidential hopefuls for 2008.

On the Democratic side, I'd have to say that the people who come to mind are Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and Howard Dean. I suppose Kerry could run again, as well. Clearly there will be more people in the fray once the time comes. I think it would be a mistake for Barack Obama to run, but that could change in four years, too.

On the Republican side, I don't know that there's one guy who's jumping out at me. I would have said Tom Ridge a month or two ago. I could see Rudy Giuliani running, but I don't know how much support he'd have across the country. I'd like to see John McCain run, because even though I don't agree with him on everything, I at least believe him when he talks. Condoleeza Rice, anyone?

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