Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Sometimes when you lose, you actually win.

So the Mets missed out on Carlos Delgado today, who signed with the Marlins for $52 million over 4 years. I know some Mets fans are gonna be bummed about this, but I think this is a bit of good fortune.

Now, Delgado has been in the league for 12 years and I was surprised to find out that he's only 32 years old when I figured he was 4 or 5 years older than that, so his age I wasn't the factor I thought it was.

On the other hand, many people voiced concerns about his contribution to the clubhouse. He's not a negative guy, per se, but people say that he leads by example and not with his words. He's supposed to be an aloof guy who doesn't add much off of the field. That's not necessarily bad, but I don't think that would go over too well in New York. I heard an interview with the Toronto GM where he was asked what Delgado would bring to his potential new team in terms of leadership and the guy surprised the interviewer when he said that he would essentially bring nothing. Also his HR numbers would go down in Shea stadium, though his RBIs would probably stay the same.

On the positive side, this opens the door for the Mets to make a play for Doug Mientkiewicz with Boston. Apparently they have already been in contact with Boston with not much success at all, but now they have an incentive to do it. I'd like to see a Mientkiewicz for Floyd or Cameron, though I don't know if the Sox are interested in another outfielder. I don't know who else they have to offer for him, but they would definitely get him for not much. He's not wanted or needed in Boston, though I think he's a character guy and would be a great addition to the team. He hasn't hit for the last two seasons, though three years ago you couldn't get him out. He's solid defensively, and he might hit. I'd love to see him on the team.

You're right, Brian. Delgado would have been a good pick up for the Mets, and the fact that he's in the NL east is not good for the Mets.

I love Mientkiewicz on the Mets, though. I think he adds a lot to the team.
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