Friday, July 01, 2005

It's Gonna Get Ugly In The Supreme Court

Sandra Day O'Conner, the first woman on the Supreme Court is retiring. That means Dubya is gonna get to put one of his uber-conservative cronies on the bench. There's also speculation that Chief Justice William Rehnquist may retire as well, since he is 80 years old and is suffering from thyroid cancer.

The Democrats are going to fight a valiant, but ultimately losing battle over the one and possibly two nominees here. I don't think that Bush is going to nominate the most conservative guy he can find, but I do believe that he will nominate someone who is going to vote his way on they key issues, for example abortion rights and maybe even limiting the power of gay couples or even individuals.

It would make sense for him to nominate a woman into the spot occupied by the first woman, but all the people who've been suggested by the pundits and such have been men when I've been paying attention. Clearly gender neutrality says that the most qualified person, and not woman, should be nominated and subsequently approved so I suppose we may not see a two woman court for now.

I think the Democrats are going to choose this battle to go all the way to the mats with. They've been made to take a back seat because of their lack of control, but I get the feeling they will play every card they have here to get a moderate conservative rather than an all out conservative. I just don't see how they'll do it. Here's to hoping, I guess.

Anyhow, Sandra Day had a good run and is obviously a pioneer in this country's history.

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