Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Star Wars Episode 3

Short review of the movie. I saw it about two weeks ago and I liked it. Here's my one criticism and it really applies to all of the prequels: They crammed all of the things that would have interested me as a Star Wars fan into the last ten minutes of Episode 3.

The first two movies were really superfluous and could have really been done away with. The story that's told in the first movie could have been 20 minutes of one of the movies. The story that's told in the second movie, minus the Anakin Padme love story, could have been another 20 minutes, and then the whole rest of the three movies really should have expanded on that last ten minutes. The whole series of films lead up to that point in an enormously roundabout way, and then they sewed up every single loose end in the epilogue more or less.

I would have liked to see a deeper probing of why all those guys went into exile and more on the destruction of the Jedi and more about Obi Wan being put in charge of basically watching Luke and things like that. All of that is dealt with in basically one line apiece in Episode 3. That was gonna be the really interesting stuff. Instead they created unnecessary plot contrivances that no one cared about.

I still say that Empire Strikes Back is the best of all 6 movies by a long shot.

As I have yet to see Episode III, I can only agree partially. Out of the 5 movies I have seen, Empire Strikes Back is definitely my favorite also. Coincidently, it is the favorite of my sons also. They love watching the scene in the beginning when Luke is captured then cuts off the arm of the "white snow bear monster".
I watched Episode III last night. It was alright. There are three flaws (as I see it) with the Episodes I, II, & III.

1) The acting sucked in episodes II, and III. If you count Jar-Jar Binks as an actor, then you can group Episode I in also. Which leads me to....

2) Too many corny, childish thinks were in the movies. Jar-Jar is a prime example. The robots crying out in pain when they were 'killed' by the jedis is another. R2D2 bleeping "uh oh" is another. Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back were great. Return of the Jedi started to slip - example: Chewbacca yelling like Tarzan when he swung on a vine.

3) The storytelling was no where near as good as it was in Episodes IV, V, VI.
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