Monday, August 01, 2005

Things That Bother Me More Than They Should

We've already established that some things bother me for no good reason. Here are a couple more of those things.

I get really annoyed when people misspell the word "definitely" or "definite". The most common misspelling is to write "definate" with the 'a' that makes no sense. This really, really gets on my nerves. I don't know why this bothers me so much. There are other words that get misspelled a bunch, but I can ignore them, and there are probably words I misspell myself from time to time, but this particular misspelling doesn't sit well with me.

I also hate when people pronounce "nuclear" incorrectly. It makes them sound retarded. The word is pronounced nook-LEE-er....It is not nook-YOU-ler. This alone is reason enough not to vote for George Dubya. Also Kiefer "Gravitas" Sutherland says this on "24", an otherwise spectacular show. But there are lots of nuclear crises on "24", so he says it a lot.

Not to be nitpicky, but isn't it NOO-klee-uhr? I tried to say it aloud to myself the way you spelled it out and had a hard time.
yes, definite.

I find it easy to remember by simply realising that it comes from finite. finITE. not finATE.

oh you don't know how annoying it is watching an american show on T.V. and some american says nookler. what the hell is nookler!? NOOKLER!? is it so hard to say nuclear. new - clear. newclear. nuclear. there ya go.

also, sorry to be so cruel to america, but you miss out letters in words. ALUMINIUM. not DOES have a language of origin, and it isn't american (i've taken to saying american now since the language is so different from english).

anyway separate!? sep - a - rate. just break the word down Joe #2 (not the original, that's me).and if you get "its" and "it's" muddled up then you need to touch up on the ol' grammar.

my ALL TIME #1 FAVOURITE (note the 'u' in favourite) is OFF OF!

"Get Off of me!"

The point of "OFF" with two f's, is so you don't say "of of" but some americans say "OFF OF" you only need "OFF" O.K. so please change your ways, you'll be better people for it.

thanks for giving me an outlet for my R A G E!
by the way the above comment is by me, a different Joe from the one above that. just to let you know..
You guys may want to read Eats, Shoots and Leaves. I never read it, but it's supposed to be pretty good rant on the use of punctuation.

Separately, take note of this article that was in the Record this past weekend on the state of education in Teaneck:
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