Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Back In The Swing

Yesterday was my first day back at work. Everything was fine, except that my A.P. is a combination of flighty and inconcsiderate so she gave me a schedule that is not conducive to my coaching baseball in the spring. Fortunately her inconsiderateness extends further than that and she gave the guy who I coach the team with a similar schedule. That means we will have to schedule the games later in the day during the week just to be able to get to them on time.

The classes I got are pretty good, though. I have one class that doesn't have a set curriculum. I just have to teach lessons from the book in some order. I don't know who planned that course, but they didn't do a very good job. My other two classes I've taught every year so far, so I'm good with those.

It's gonna take me a week or so to get into the flow once the kids come back, but I'll be good in no time.

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