Friday, June 09, 2006

Rock Smashes Scissors, Paper Covers Rock, Scissors Cut Paper

A federal judge in Florida made two bickering lawyers look like biotches when he ordered them to settle a dispute by playing rock, paper, scissors. They couldn't agree on the location to hear some witness and the judge was tired of their fighting so it was nothing but rocks and papers for these clowns. I'll bet the lawyers don't even consider themselves as having been dissed, but if in my professional life someone told me that I was too much of a complainer to get anything accomplished without having to resort to a game that's been perfected by 8 year olds, I would feel like I wasn't doing my job.

Also of note here, for all you devotees of Chris Hall, who insists on calling the game paper, scissors, rock, or some such nonsense is the official ruling from a federal judge that the game is called rock, paper, scissors. Take that.

Thankfully that argument is settled. Now, on to more important things like "Is Denny's a restaurant or a diner?"
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