Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Studio 60 And Other TV Shows

I watch a lot of TV. I think that's an understatement. I watch a lo-o-o-o-t of TV. Most people I know nowadays say, "Dude, I don't even watch TV any more." Assuming they are not liars, I wonder what those people do with their time. I mean, well, you know what I mean.

Anyhow, my favorite shows are Scrubs, The Office (amazingly two NBC comedies), Project Runway, 24, How I Met Your Mother, and Entourage. And even though I could live without them (and I'm not always supposed to like them) I watch Lost, House, ER, Grey's Anatomy (3 doctor shows in a row, and Scrubs to boot), Numb3rs (why a 3 intead of an e? I don't know.), The Soup, Amazing Race, and probably some others every week. At this point I'm getting kindof bored with Lost and also Grey's Anatomy, but I'll probably keep watching anyway for lack of anything better.

My new favorite day of the week, though, is Monday. It starts with How I Met Your Mother at 8 and is followed by The Class after that. The Class is interesting for now, but I see it going downhill soon. Once basketball season starts that one may be out of there. The two new NBC shows, though, are really what's making me enjoy the night. Heroes is on at 9pm and is followed by Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip at 10pm.

I watched Heroes at first because it looked interesting. The first couple episodes were ok and the cheerleader thing freaked me out. I mean, how often do high school girls get severely maimed, and why does it keep happening to her? Her superpower is basically that she's Wolverine, if you've not been watching. She heals right away when she's injured. Anyway, the last two episodes have been really good. I didn't really expect them to be. So I'm digging that now.

Studio 60 might be my new favorite show. I really, really enjoy it. It's written so differently than any other TV show that it's astounding. Every scene takes its time and really relishes the conversation between the characters. They'll pull shit from other scenes with different characters that end up being relevant to someone else, so it pays off if you pay attention. I just really enjoy it. The show is created and written by Aaron Sorkin, who created and wrote The West Wing. I've never seen an episode of West Wing, but I know that people really like it and it was really well received and if it's written the same way as Studio 60 is, then I'll have to check out the DVDs if there are any. I just really like this show. I kindof rambled a lot. My point when I started writing this was just to say that I am already a big fan of Studio 60 and I hope everyone is watching it so it stays on the air.

On a related note, the Tina Fey show, 30 Rock, is pretty lame. I say a related note because both Studio 60 and 30 Rock are about writing and producing a sketch comedy show like Saturday Night Live. 30 Rock is just witless most of the time. Way over the top as if it were Arrested Development done poorly.

Holy Crap...where do you find the time to watch all of this TV? I'm one of those 'not watchers.'

We watch Greys, How I met your mother, and Gilmore Girls. That's about it (ok, an occasional 2.5 Men) but to be honest it's probably because they are shows on the 3 "free" channels that we get through our antenna. We save at least $50 bucks a month in cable bills...and...we read, know, get down more than people I know who watch a lot of tv. Just sayin:)

If we had cabe I'd probably watch the food network and tlc/discovery channel nonstop, as well as any Yankees game I could get my hands on, during baseball season.
I watched Grey's Anatomy for like half or three quarters of the season last year and eventually I realized that it just sucked. The story lines never go anywhere. The asian chick and doctor chokes-a-lot were always in relationship limbo, mcdreamy couldn't decide if he wanted the wife or the girlfriend and got jealous when the girlfriend talked to anyone. It had potential but it seemed they were not interested in shitting but didn't want to get off the pot either.
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