Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Watch This Movie In Low Def With Commercials

My friend Wallace brought this up today and I thought it was a great point so I told him I was goig to steal his idea and blog about it.

What sort of psychological mechanism leads us to watch movies on TV that we already own on DVD? Literally whenever I feel like it I can watch a movie that I have on DVD in the original widescreen format, with superior picture quality on my HDTV and with no commercials. Instead, and I know this happens to everyone, I find myself flipping around watching TNT and they're playing, I don't know, say Goodfellas or The Princess Bride or something like that, and I just watch the whole thing, commercials and all. What's up with that?

I don't know the answer, and it's an excellent question.

The same phenomenon happens with music sometimes. Like, if you love the new Gnarls Barkley CD and you have it in your car, and a G.B. song comes on the radio, you might leave it on and won't miss a second of it, even though you can just play it CD-quality anytime you want.
If you figure out this mystery, I think you deserve a Nobel prize or something. The amount of time I've spent watching Shawshank and the Princess Bride, it's like there's a conspiracy at Bravo and TNT to stop me from doing more productive things with my time.
Maybe its just because that's how we grew up watching movies. So we do it because it's comforting to do things old school sometimes. I like to watch the Princess Bride with commercials and kool aid. The good old days...
Maybe it's the guilt factor.

You just know you shouldn't be loafing around sitting on the couch watching tv for that long.

You would have to get up off the couch, find the dvd, take it out of the box, put it in the player - all of that to watch the movie.

Whereas, if you were flipping channels and saw Wesley climbing the rope up the cliff wall after the princess and her captors and you got involved with watching it....

You could always make the excuse to yourself "I didn't mean to piss away two hours of my day - it's just that I happened to get wrapped up in watching a great movie. It's not really my fault. I was only planning on watching 30 minutes or so then get up."
You write very well.
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