Friday, July 30, 2004

John Kerry keeps it real.

John Kerry gave a pretty good speech last night.  So that's good.

The thing is, who cares if he speaks well or not, shouldn't we vote for a guy's policies?  I mean, there's no better example of that than George W., so I guess the public isn't all that beholden to the political pundits.

I just hate when those guys get up and talk about what a particular candidate needs to do and it doesn't involve talking about their policies.  Does someone really need to go out and 'look presidential' or 'endear himself to middle America', or whatever ridiculous thing these guys say?

I'm really in a couple of different boats in terms of this election.  "Anyone but Bush" really sums up my feelings pretty well.  On top of that, there's a very small likelihood that I would vote outside the Democratic party for something as big as the presidential election. 

But given that, I like Kerry.  Someone who came home from Vietnam and then protested the war can't really be labeled a flip-flopper, I don't think.  Kerry does do a little bit more pandering to his core than I'd like to see, but who doesn't?  And certainly there's not a bigger 'pander bear' than Dubya.

Excellent, love it!
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