Monday, January 31, 2005

My First Google Whack.

Google Whacking is a game that was discussed by Brian in an earlier post. The basic point is that you have to pick two words that return only one result from a Google search.

Anyhow, I've been moderately intrigued by the idea of whacking Google and I've tried a few times over the course of the last month or so. Every time I thought I had a whack, the page turned out to be a word list. These word list pages suck because they take away what would otherwise be genuine whacks. If you search and you come up with one real page and two word lists, then you're screwed because what might have been a whack is no longer one.

I digress, today I finally got a confirmed Google whack. Since my name is already on the list, I'll say it's ok for me to list it here even though now it will most likely return two results from Google.

My first Google whack is "vivisectional perspicacity". I made a real effort to just think of interesting words and not go looking for odd words or simply take words off the list of existing Google whacks. I tried a combination of a bunch of words, and I was really hoping to find one with the word "perspicacity" in it, so I'm glad I did.

This is not nearly as exciting as all the space I've devoted to it would indicate.

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