Thursday, July 07, 2005

Answers to Daffy's Other Questions

Well, you never answered your own question about the 5 CD's you'd bring with you, so what are they?
I cut and pasted my response from Max's post.

1-Led Zeppelin 3 - Led Zeppelin
2-Under The Table and Dreaming - Dave Matthews
3-Reachin'-Digable Planets
4-Miseducation... - Lauryn Hill
5-Alannis Morrissette Unplugged - Alannis Morrissette (If that's not allowed since maybe it's a compilation album, I'll take Jagged Little Pill)

This was really hard. A few years ago I would have been able to be a lot more definitive.

I really wanted to say Sgt. Peppers (Beatles) and also I was thinking about Tidal (Fiona Apple) and In My Lifetime: Volume 1 (Jay-Z).

Who is your favorite muppet?
If we're including Sesame Street, then it's Ernie.

If we're talking Muppet Show, then it's Fozzie Bear. Also I really like Scooter.

Least favorite co-worker (past or present)?
There are lots of teachers who complain about everything instead of just trying to do their jobs. I don't like any of them, but I don't have to deal with them, either, so their sortof neutral.

I don't recall ever disliking any co-workers who were on the same level as me. I've had some bad bosses who didn't really know how to manage, and therefore made my life frustrating, but they weren't really bad people either.

I had one boss who made every conversation about herself. This was the job I got laid off from where I had three or four managers and they rendered me obsolete within 8 months due to bad management of the department.

I met with her every week to discuss my projects and one week she says "How was your weekend?"
I said, "It was good. I got engaged."
She said, "Wow. I remember when I got engaged. I was ready to get engaged right when I graduated college, but my husband wanted to wait a while."
I said, "Great. Ok, let me tell you about my projects..."

Favorite t-shirt?
Tough one. My favorites might be the three "Goonies" shirts I have. One in particular with the silhouettes of all the kids and Sloth on the beach.

I just recently got one that says "Little Lebowski Urban Achiever". It's pretty great.

The one that says "FOIL, Keepin' Algebra Fresh" is pretty good.

I have one with Bert and Ernie on it.

I have one with a picture of my father that says "Millenium at the McKay's", obviously from the McKay's 2000 New Years Party.

My Columbia Athletics shirt is not enormously exciting, but pretty great.

I can't pick just one. I'm somehow incapable.

If you woke up hung-over, what would be the first item of food you'd go after?
If I'm hung over, the last thing I want to do is eat.

My ideal breakfast, though, is a french toast special with scrambled eggs and bacon and coffee from the 5 star. French toast is one of the best foods on Earth, but so many diners make really bad french toast because they don't cook it all the way through. I don't like it soggy, it's got to be cooked through.

There's a diner on 7th Ave. in Brooklyn called the Park Cafe that makes the best french toast I've ever had. When I worked in Brooklyn, I would go there every morning and have it.

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP »
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