Saturday, July 02, 2005

You May Have Cake and Pi

Some Japanese dude, just recited pi to 83,431 digits. I mean, I guess that's impressive, but what purpose does that serve? How much time has this guy spent memorizing the value of pi for no good reason? It's not called an irrational number for nothing.

Now the interesting question is whether or not he actually memorized 83,000 digits or if he was doing the division in his head as he went. I guess it's possible to memorize those digits, but if you sit down and memorize 83,000 digits, then you need to get a life. If it's an exercise in concentration where you're dividing the diameter into the circumference to a greater and greater extent, then I guess it's moderately, but not entirely, worthwhile. Although without the exact value of pi, there's no way to accurately determine the exact diameter and circumference of a circle. One of them will be an irrational number. I guess he just memorized it.

Let's see, 3.1415926535... I know pi to 10 decimal places. I figure that's about all you need.

Yeah, my train of thought ended up with him memorizing it too since there's no way to have an exact value for both the diameter and circumference of a circle.

Running fast is at least useful in theory, same with memorizing something like the Koran. Memorizing pi seems silly to me, but maybe it's no more silly than those other things.
Very nice site! »
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