Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Ask Me Anything - Stealing Directly From Joe (Again)

Joe's recent post is a good idea, so anyone interested can ask me any question they like. I feel that I'm not enormously interesting, but maybe I'm just used to myself. I suppose this post will help in answering that question.

I will make every effort to answer honestly. Leave a question in the comments if you like.

By the way, Max also stole this post from Joe, so you can read his questions and answers too.

Why don't you just use the same questions that everyone has asked Joe and Max and answer those?
How far along in your career as a teacher did you have that moment? Where you stopped and said to yourself: "this is where I belong."?

When you get dressed and put on your sneakers, do you usually put the right shoe on first? the left? or the both get equal treatment?

Will you now be self-conscience about which shoe goes on first for the next few weeks?

If you were given 2 plane tickets to anywhere in the world, where would you go, and why?

Do you think it's a good plan, to have the Nets move to Brooklyn?
What's the capital of Pakistan?

What are the two biggest lies a man ever said?
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