Saturday, January 14, 2006

Here's The Interesting Question About Alito.

The question is not whether Samuel Alito will be confirmed to the Supreme Court, because he will be. The really interesting question is how long will it take after he's confirmed for the court to hear an abortion case? My guess is that they will hear one before Bush is out of office, so within the next three years. I guess that sounds like a while for them to get down to it, but I assume with all the original trials and appeals it would take a little while for the case to get up that high.

Here's my vision of the life of the case. Someone brings up a relevant case. This might take some state government to pass a law banning or limiting abortions. I don't know enough about the law to know exactly what a relevant test case would be. Anyway, the ban on abortion would be denied all the way up to the Supreme Court with Roe v. Wade as the precedent. The Supreme Court agrees to hear the case, and then bedlam ensues. I mean motherfuckers are going to come out of the woodwork and swarm Washington. All of the justices will get death threats and clowns will be arrested on both sides of the argument for doing ridiculous things. It's going to get live.

There's a good possibility that the court would then overturn Roe v. Wade which, to be sure, would be a sad day for the country, as it would be one of the few times the government has acted to take away rights from its citizens, rather than to give them. If that happens then Bush will go before some people and give that little sneer and talkk about how he had a hand in protecting Americans and their values.

Meanwhile a ban on abortion would not end the practice of abortion in this country, but rather just make them more dangerous and less accessible for poor people.

Thoughts on this timeline?

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