Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I Finally Finished This Book

Back in August I told you that I started to read Bill Clinton's book. That motherfucker was 968 pages long and just yesterday I finished reading it. So I read it from basically the beginning of August until the end of December.

It was enormously informative and interesting. I enjoyed reading more about the time before he was president rather than the time that he was president. The stuff dealing with his presidency was really all policy stuff and not much personal reflection. Even the Lewinsky parts were about his press releases and strategy sessions, rather than what he really did on a day to day basis.

I got the probably biased slant on the Whitewater investigation and even though I tried to read through the lines, it seems like Ken Starr really overstepped his boundaries. It was clear even before he took over the investigation that there was no wrongdoing in the actual Whitewater part, and Starr took it over to look into anything that he could dig up that would damage Bill.

A guy I work with saw me reading it one day and he said, "Well, he wrote all of it himself so you know that it's not true." I'd bet that the accounts of the scandal type things are probably slanted in his favor and even probaly just false in some cases, but for the most part the book seems pretty genuine. I did enjoy reading it, even though I'm not generally into the biography type books.

By the time I finished reading it the book was in 12 different pieces. The book is now in basically 100 page chunks and the cover is completely off. It really didn't hold itself together at all.

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