Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Should The President Really Use The "Because I Said So" Defense?

All the Deomcrats, a significant protion of the Republicans, the scientific community, and the public at large want to see an expansion of stem cell research. Today, the Senate is set to pass a bill that will expand stem cell research, and President Dubya is going to veto it, thus killing the bill since it seems pretty clear that the two thirds override vote can't be mustered up.

I'm not a huge fan of abortion, but I don't relate stem cell research at all with abortion, nor do I really see it as a pro life issue. I think all of this is beside the point, though, since the bill has basically already passed through both houses. Basically Dubya is just vetoing this bill for the sake of vetoing it. He has never, ever used his veto power in the 5 plus years he's been in office and he's going to use it today on a bill that has widespread bipartisan support, support of the experts in the field, and the support of the public.

That's just a fucking slap in the face, in my opinion. He's using his power just to use it. Even if he disagreed with this bill on a personal level, how can he turn away what is essentially the will of the country? This is different than a senator voting against the bill for personal reasons, since his vote counts for 1/100th of the opinion. In vetoing the bill, Dubya is just choosing to ignore the country as a whole. What a jerk off.

best regards, nice info »
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