Sunday, August 01, 2004

McLaughlin Group this morning.

I was watching the McLaughlin Group today, as I'm wont to do on Sundays, and there were some interesting points made.

First, my jaw almost dropped when Pat Buchanan, the most conservative guy who's ever been taken seriously, said that John Kerry is, "a man who any conservative could vote for with a clear conscience." I wonder if Buchanan is really just that fed up with Bush that he wants to throw votes to Kerry or what. It's clear that Buchanan doesn't like Bush, so who knows what his motives are. I wonder if that statement were recognized on a larger scale if it would help or hurt Kerry.

Pat Buchanan also gave John Kerry's speech an A on both substance and presentation. Tony Blankley, the resident Republican on the McGlaughlin Group gave Kerry an A on presentation and a B on substance. That's not bad at all. Everyone agreed that the convention was a huge success for the Democrats and for Kerry in particular.

Buchanan made a good point about John Edwards as well. What makes him popular is what could ultimately be his downfall. He's very likable,very flashy, easy to listen to, but he may just be a used car salesman. He's willing to tell you everything you want to hear in the next 60 seconds. It remains to be seen whether or not Edwards can back that shit up.

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