Friday, April 01, 2005

Racist post of the month...and it's only the 1st.

Something I'll bet you didn't know if you weren't Latino is that for some reason Mexicans are the black folks of the hispanic world. The one thing that Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, Colombians, Ecuadorians, and so forth seem to agree on unilaterally is that Mexicans are somehow inferior to the other hispanic races.

In my school if the students want to insult each other they call each other Mexican. I have one student who is half Mexican and she doesn't hear the end of it, even though her friends are mainly just joking with her. To call a hispanic a Mexican is akin to calling a black person a nigger it seems.

There are a ton of Mexicans immigrants in the area I work in, there are also a ton of the aformentioned hispanic folks in the area as well. One of my students, who is Colombian, just got back from some conference she went to with her father in Houston. I asked her how it was and she says, "It was pretty nice. They call the mall the Galleria. And you know what I didn't like, though, mista?" She said in a whisper with a strain on her face, "There are a lot of Mexicans over there."

I was like, "Well, there are a lot of Mexicans here too."
She was all, "Yeah, but there's only Mexicans there."
And I was all, "Well, Texas is right on the border with Mexico."
And she totally went, "Yeah, I guess that's true."

Anyhow, I don't really understand the hating on Mexicans thing. Mexico is the largest Spanish speaking nation and there must be the most Mexicans out of any other hispanic folks. If they are in the majority, why can't they sway their influence to get themselves liked?

OK, I don't really have a point. Just an observation.

Interesting, I had a similar of my adult Cuban students, who I'd always thought was rather open-minded, spent about 10 minutes explaining to me why he thinks Mexicans are inferior. (Thank God the class is all Cubans!) Among other things, he told me that Mexicans are "indigenous" and that Mexico City has the ugliest people in the world. Aside from being repulsed, I was pretty shocked.
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