Thursday, April 14, 2005

Stadium Math.

It was reported today that the Giants have reached a deal with New Jersey to build a new stadium right next to the old one. The deal had fallen apart for a while because of a couple of key issues, mainly the Giants not wanting to pay taxes and the insistence of the state that they accept a huge gaming complex to be built within the Meadowlands next to Continental Arena.

I guess they worked it all out, and the new stadium is scheduled to cost $750 million. That's a lot of cash, but what's getting me is the fact that the plan to built the Jets' new stadium on the West Side of Manhattan calls for a stadium that costs $1.9 billion, and will undoubtedly cost more once all is said and done if it actually gets built.

The existing Giants Stadium and the proposed site of the Jets stadium are literally less than 5 miles apart. How could it possibly be that a state of the art stadium in East Rutherford, NJ and a state of the art stadium in lower Manhattan could differ in price by that much money. The cost of the Jets' stadium is more than 250% of the cost of the new Giants' stadium.

We're not talking about the value of the land, which is obviously infinitely more in Manhattan (another stupid reason to put the stadium there), but solely the cost to build each stadium. If it costs that much more simply because of where the stadium is going to be built, then it should clearly be built in Queens or on Long Island.

This whole idea of building that stadium on the West Side is ludicrous to begin with, but when faced with a clearly viable plan from the Giants it looks downright insane.

the jets stadium should be in reason it costs more is b/c it's going to have a retractable roof

not that it makes a huge difference, but the jets price includes a $250M platform to be built over the existing railyard. plus, how much more valueable do you think the west side is than a swamp?
A couple of keys to the extra cost:

The west side stadium is more than just a football stadium.

It will be far more complex of a structure (e.g. retractable roof, subway station, etc.)

I think the total 1.9 billion accounts for all the changes that will be made to surrounding structures as well - the Javits center will be getting renovated as well.

And the fact that the meadowlands is much more easily accesible has to account for something also.
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