Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Two People Who Are Oblivious of the World Around Them

Number 1 is Dubya, who's state of the union was, well, I don't know if there's a word that describes it. I guess entirely predictable is the best way to put it. Hardly inspiring. He basically came out and said "It would be great if America was perfect. Let's work on that." I hate all the clapping and shit. I'm glad I fell asleep in the middle of it, because otherwise I would have felt obliged to watch the whole thing.

The second person who's oblivious to the world is Cindy Sheehan. Some Democratic congressman gave her a ticket and she showed up with an anti-war shirt on and got arrested before the thing even started because she refused to cover it up and some other silly behavior. Is this woman 9 years old? Her presence at the thing would have been enough of a statement and the fact that the camera would have gone on her every 6 seconds would have been effective towards whatever her cause is. She should have worn her business suit and acted like a regular citizen and just given the stare the whole time. What a dumbass.

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