Friday, February 10, 2006

La Educador De La Semana

Mi esposa, Kathy, era la educador de las semana hace dos meses para Univision, el canal de Espanol en Nueva York. Aqui esta el video.

That was interesting. My wife, Kathy, was the educator of the week for New York City a couple of months ago on the Univision station. They had a little vignette on the Univision channel that ran that week. That little thing is on the interweb now, so you should watch it. I can only get it to work on the 56K version and not the high speed one, and I'm not sure why.

The basic translation for those of you who don't speak perfect Spanish like me is this: "Ms. Gardner is awesome and she's the best." Kathy comes on and says, "Yeah, it's true, I'm awesome." and then they have a couple of her students on and they say "Ms. Gardner is great and I love her."

The link doesn't work - I believe it's prompting me for a username and password, en espanol.
Her accent is excellent because Spanish is her first language. It's not like she learned it in high school like most of us.

I wonder if that statement really even applies to her in a meaningful way.
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