Monday, July 31, 2006

My New Favorite TV Show

Maybe it's just because this is the summer season and everything else sucks ass, but I'm loving Entourage. I've watched it from the beginning, two seasons ago and I loved it then, too, so I know it's not a fluke or anything. But this thing jsut keeps on getting better.

First of all Ari Gold is easily the best character on television today. There's no one even a close second at this point. He's like a caricature of a person, except he's got feelings and motivations and what not. He's brilliantly written and acted.

Interstingly, the most useless character is Vince. He's obviously the reason all of those personalities are brought together, but he might as well just not be there. If they made a show about just Drama and Turtle, I would watch it, assuming Ari was their agent. Those are the guys that make the show. Hearing Drama talk about his old TV shows, like his 3 story arc on 90210 where he battered Tori Spelling, is goddamn hysterical.

Now I'm assuming that the show is chronicling Vince's ultimate rise to some kind of super stardom, which really allows them to have happy endings to each story arc. In another show, I might complain that it was unrealistic because everything just ends up working out in the end, but it really doesn't bother me here. I just enjoy being along for the ride for that half hour every week.

I think Meaghan put it best when she said, "I love Entourage. I'm happy when it comes on and I'm sad when it goes off."

Do you really think Marky Mark's life story wouldn't be entertaining?
Yeah, but from what I understand, it's pretty loosely based on Marky Mark's life. It's more of an industry parody, or retelling perhaps, than a Wahlberg biopic.
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