Thursday, December 30, 2004

DVD Commentaries.

Over the Christmas break I've watched a lot of movies. I'm incapable of sleeping late, so instead of sitting in bed, I sit on the couch and watch DVDs. If it's really early I'll put on a movie I know really well and just sleep through a lot of it or put on the commentary and just listen because I can follow without watching.

Paul Anderson's Boogie Nights commentary is one of the best. Another good one is the American Beauty commentary, though it's a bit more reserved than PTA's. The Fight Club commentary with Brad Pitt and Ed Norton is good too. The Napoleon Dynamite commentary is pretty bad. Commentaries are generally bad when the people just watch the movie and say "That was pretty funny" or something like that and don't tell you anything interesting.

I've also watched all the episodes of Freaks and Geeks with the commentaries which are incredible. The exception is the one episode where the only available commentary is by three fans of the show. I ended up watching some of the episodes three times in a row, once without commentary, a second time with the primary commentary, and the third time with the secondary commentary. I definitely watched the Garage Door episode three times. I don't recall watching any of the others three times, actually.

Anyhow, I watched a couple episodes of the Seinfeld DVDs that I got for Christmas. The inside stuff on those is great. There's a small "inside stuff" documentary on a lot of the episodes. I haven't watched any of the commentaries yet, but if Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld do them, then there's no way they can be bad.

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