Monday, September 19, 2005

Movie Meme

I stole this from Joe. When Joe steals something he usually doesn't say that he stole it, he just says "via such and such". I would do that, except I only steal from Joe.

1. You only get to watch one movie for the rest of your life. Which one do you pick?
Boogie Nights is my favorite movie, but I might go with something else here. I watch The Royal Tenenbaums a lot. I could watch The Princess Bride over and over too. In fact, that's my choice. One movie, Princess Bride.

2. You get to completely destroy and remove one movie from existence. Which one do you pick?
The Psycho remake was entirely unecessary and unentertaining. Did we really need a sequel to The Blair Witch Project?

No. Wait. I fucking hate Gladiator. That's got to be the movie with the highest suck to praise ratio in history. Destroy every copy of that piece of garbage.

3. Which movie that doesn't get nearly enough play would you recommend to everybody?
I agree with Joe about Boogie Nights. People write it off too quickly. Another one is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. That movie didn't get nearly enough buzz. It's definitely one of my favorites.

One of the best and most underrated movies ever is Dead Poets Society. I've mentioned this earlier.

I think we're beyond the point where The Shawshank Redemption is an unknown gem.

Another movie that I truly love that doesn't get much play is The Ten Commandments. Also my favorite book and one of my favorite movies is To Kill a Mockingbird. Both The Ten Commandments and To Kill a Mockingbird I watched repeatedly with my father, so that may have something to do with it.

4. Which as-yet-unreleased movie this year would you kill someone to see early?
I don't know. The only movie I was really excited to see before it came out was Magnolia. I made sure to be there opening night. I also saw Boogie Nights on opening night, but that was sortof a whim.

5. Which movie is the funniest movie you've ever seen?
Laugh out loud alone on your couch funny? Probably Dumb and Dumber. It's not my favorite comedy, but it's probably the funniest in terms of laughs per minute. In the same vein for me is Wayne's World. Those movies are better than the Austin Powers movies for sure.

Obviously the cleverest comedy is Dr. Strangelove. The Big Lebowski is way up there.

6. Which movie has made you cry the hardest?
I only recall one movie that made me cry and it was Beaches. I don't think I'm proud of that, but it was pretty sad. I feel the need to point out that I was 10 years old when that movie came out, but I think that's just some sort of macho, "I'm not gay" reflex.

7. What's the best ending sequence to a movie that you've ever seen?
I guess you have to go with The Usual Suspects or The Sixth Sense here. The Usual Suspects hints at it, but in the Sixth Sense I just went "whoa shoot daddy." Completely blindsided.

8. What's the best opening sequence to a movie that you've ever seen?
Boogie Nights has a great one, but even better is the opening to Magnolia. All the characters are introduced with such an incredible energy that it sets you up for the whole long haul.

9. Who's your favorite movie character, and why?
Hands down, Jim Carrey as Chip Douglas in The Cable Guy. He's just so damn great. I think it's that in most comedies every character is off the wall or plays into the ludicrous plot line, but in The Cable Guy everyone else is a normal person and Chip is the only goofball. He stands out so much.

10. Which movie character do you think has had the best entrance ever in a movie?
Joe, the Colonel didn't even have the best entrance in that movie. That honor goes to Todd Parker who appears for the first time at the New Year's party.

I feel like it should have been Doc Brown in Back to The Future, but they played it wrong. I wonder if it might be a Freddy or Jason type character who fits in here.

11. Which movie character do you think has had the best exit ever in a movie?
"Verbal Kint (Kevin Spacey) in The Usual Suspects." That is Joe's answer verbatim (with a spelling change). That's probably mine too.

Maybe I'll go with Major Kong in Dr. Strangelove. Yeah, that was better, come to think of it.

Maybe it was the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz.

Probably to be the answer to this question you have to die in a great way. Verbal Kint didn't die, but when you think of great exits in general, you think of dying in some unusual way. That, or riding off into the sunset.

12. Which supposedly good movie do you loathe?
Anyone see Gosford Park? That was fucking terrible. I really didn't like Gangs of New York at all, save for Daniel Day Lewis.

I'm gonna have to go back to Gladiator here, though. Fucking terrible. Even worse was the fact that it won the best picture Oscar in the year after I thought the Academy was going to start honoring actual interesting movies. Just the year before movies like American Beauty, Magnolia, Three Kings, Being John Malkovich, and Fight Club all figured prominently in the Oscars and the next year fucking Gladiator wins? Downright terrible.

13. Which supposedly crappy movie do you love?
I've already talked about my love for Fools Rush In. I've also talked about The Cable Guy, which is panned by most people.

14. You get to kill one actor/actress and get away with it. Which one do you get rid of?
It's about time for Tom Cruise to go. Also maybe we could just lock up Sean Penn somewhere in a cage until it's time for him to make another movie. I don't need his outings into the real world.

15. Which supposedly bad actor do you actually like?
Is Brad Pitt a bad actor? I like his roles a lot. George Clooney too. I don't think I'm really getting to the heart of this question.

I think Cameron Diaz is probably underrated. I'm kindof fascinated by Jeff Goldblum in a Christopher Walken type of way. I'm a way bigger fan of Alyson Hannigan than is probably warranted.

Shatner really is entertaining.

16. Which supposedly good actor do you wish would just go away?
Julia Roberts. I don't dislike her, but can't we all agree that she's overrated?

Completely unecessary use of the 'F' word is cool! You are such a hip guy.

Am I hip or am I a loser?

I agree that the word shouldn't be used unecessarily. I don't think I've used it unecessarily in this post. Emphasis, dog, emphasis.
Enjoyed a lot! »
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